Frequently Asked Questions

What does eCOBba stand for?

eCOBba stands for online community-based banks.

What is Ecobba’s mission

To drive industrialization via the informal sector in community-saving groups.

What if I’ve forgotten my password?

If you're logged out and you forget your password, you'll need to reset it. To do this:

1.Click on forgot password

2. Click on forgot password

3. And click the send password reset link

How do I access my account if I have forgotten the email I used to open my account?

Please email us at support@ecobba.com and we will help you regain access to your account.

How can I change my email address?

Once you’ve logged in and taken to the dashboard,

1.Click on Profile

2.Click on the edit profile button

3. Then you update your “new email”

4.And then save it by clicking on the Update profile button

How can I change my password?

Once you’ve logged in and taken to the dashboard,

1.Click on Profile

2.Click on the edit profile button

3. Then you update your “new password” and “confirm password”

4.And then save it by clicking on the Update profile button

How do I change my phone number?

Once you’ve logged in and taken to the dashboard,

1.Click on Profile

2.Click on the edit profile button

3. Then you update your "phone number"

4.And then save it by clicking on the Update profile button

How do I make a complaint?

We’re sorry you didn’t get the service you’d expect from Ecobba. To make a complaint, please click on the following link “https://ecobba.com/contact/index” and send us an email and it includes:

1.Your name

2.Your email

3. Subject "

4.Your message

5.Click on the send button

What happens after I make a complaint?

Ecobba will:

1.Get back to you on email

2.Ask for further information, in case it’s needed

3. investigate your case and your concerns "

4.And get back to you regarding what measures we took and why

Is there a limit on how much I can save?

With Ecobba, there is no limit on how much one can save.

How do I become an Ecobba member/user?

One should go on our web portal “https://ecobba.com/register” or download our app on Google Playstore and register by filling in the required details.

Where is Ecobba located?

Ecobba is located:

-In Tanzania, Dar Es Salaam

-In Kenya, Nairobi

-In Nigeria, Lagos

How do I contact Ecobba?

Ecobba users will be able to contact Ecobba Customer care through the following link “https://dev.ecobba.com/contact/index” or calling at the number **** .

Can Ecobba connect me or put me in a group?

Ecobba does not link or connect you with a saving group, but you can register yourself as a group coordinator and after being given access, you can then proceed to onboarding your fellow group members.

Can an organization join Ecobba?

An organization can also register with Ecobba and be able to monitor the activities of their savings groups in real-time.

Does Ecobba set a maximum number for a group?

Ecobba does not set a maximum number of members for a group. But the group coordinator will set up the number of members to be in a specific group.

If an individual in a group wants to ask for a loan does one need to register as an individual again?

An individual does not need to register again, one can either borrow from the group using the loan packages that were set up by the group or one can apply on the public loans that were set up.

How can I move funds from my Wallet to Ecobba?

Payment gateways e.g. flutterwave is integrated to allow for secure and safe transactions .

How can I improve my credit score?

Credit score is measured based on user performance on the platform eg your transactions rate, your loans repayments performance,your profile,if you have an account number .These will be calculated and your total score be showed on the portal

Is Ecobba safe?

Yes.Our data structure and code standards are universal and every bit about user data is safe .

What about my privacy?

Protecting your data and financial details matters to us. Our current Policies can be found under:




If you have a specific question about that, feel free to let us know by sending an e-mail to: info@ecobba.com

Why was my account deactivated?

There are a number of reasons why we might need to close your Ecobba account.

Unfortunately, we can’t tell you the specific reason why — it’s because of how we’re regulated. But we can choose to close an account if we think:

it’s a duplicate of another (you can only have one Ecobba account, unless we agree otherwise)

its security has been compromised

These are just examples, kindly contact info@ecobba.com for a more clear understanding.

What is KWEA?

Is a convenient marketplace for community groups, micro-finances, Agri-trade associations, lenders, cooperatives, saving schemes to optimize their accessibility and growth.